Belly Bombs

Steve Watson at Prison Planet:

“The Department of Homeland Security has identified a potential threat from terrorists who may be considering surgically implanting explosives or explosive components in humans to conduct terrorist attacks,” an advisory to foreign counterparts notes, according to an unnamed U.S. security official.

Officials claim that full body scanners currently being used in airports would not penetrate deep enough to detect such devices.

How it’s not blatantly obvious to the TSA that their approach to keeping our airways safe is fundamentally flawed is beyond me (or do they know it and just like flexing their muscles on american citizens?). The TSA is not looking for terrorists, they’re looking for contraband. You’ll ALWAYS be able to bypass security measures that look for contraband. The only successful approach is to look for terrorists using behavior profiling. This is what Israel does with great success. If you don’t think that Israel’s airports are the target of repeated terrorism attempts, you should probably just get back under your rock— and stay there.

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