Hypocrite of the Day: Ed Shultz
Ed Shultz apologizes on his show for a shameful video edit that made Rick Perry out to look like a racist:
(via HotAir)
I suspect MSNBC forced his hand to apologize for this in the same way they forced him to apologize for calling Laura Ingram a right wing slut.
On the other hand it’s good to see Shultz practicing what he preaches about racist and violent rhetoric:
“There’s something very ugly and dangerous going on in this country,” Schultz said. “Right wing talk show hosts seem to be amping up racist and reckless rhetoric like never before … the level of racist and violent rhetoric on hard-right wing radio today is off the charts.”
(via The Huffington Post)
I guess racist rhetoric is only reckless when it comes from the mouth of a conservative.