Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
David Eldridge at The Washington Times:
“I wouldn’t necessarily trust any of my opponents right now, who were on a recent debate stage with me, when every single one of them would have allowed this country to default,” Mr. Huntsman said on ABC’s “This Week.”
That statement is patently false. Huntsman is either intentionally lying to his audience, or he’s a dumb oaf. I hope the latter is true for the sake of his character.
The Bipartisan Policy Center concluded that the U.S. would not default even if the debt ceiling was not raised. The reason is that our first obligation to pay our debts, and we have more than enough revenue to pay them. Yes, many domestic programs would be cut, but that’s not the point here. In fact, the Obama administration even reassured major U.S. banks of this fact during the heat of the debt ceiling debate. There was never—and probably never will be—a risk of the U.S. defaulting on its debt.
I think Huntsman is swinging for the fences here. He’s down in the polls. He’s not conservative, and consequently conservatives don’t identify with him. RINOs are losing their place in the Republican party. He’s like a geeky awkward freshmen in high school who hasn’t moved past fifth grade. He still thinks girls have cooties. The rest of the party has moved on while Huntsman is shouting “Look! Rick Perry likes girls! Yuck!”
I think it’s time for you to embrace the other side, Romeo. They might actually like you.