Lincoln, Founder
I’m proud of the media this time. They really stuck it to Obama when he incorrectly called Abraham Lincoln the founder of the republican party. Here’s the New York Times on his speech:
Jay Carney at Time thinks it was “a good speech,” but gets all picky about truthiness: “He called Abraham Lincoln the founder’ of the Republican Party. Nope. Lincoln was not the founder of the party; he wasn’t even the first Republican nominee (John Fremont was, in 1856). Lincoln was, of course, the first Republican to be elected president.”
Whoops. Looks like I got my facts wrong. That was the New York Times commenting on Huckabee making the same error back in 2008. Silly me. Nope, the media has pretty much ignored this one.
UPDATE: Looks like this was not in the original prepared transcript—meaning Obama went off teleprompter to throw in the remark about Lincoln. I’d love to see him deliver a state of the union address—wait, no let’s not start there. I’d love to see him address a class of 6th graders without a teleprompter.