Fourth of July Weather During Childhood Affects Political Belief

Nancy French at National Review Online (quoting a Harvard Study):

“One Fourth of July without rain before age 18 increases the likelihood of identifying as a Republican at age 40 by 2 percent, the share of people voting for the Republican candidate at age 40 by 4 percent, and the share of people turning out to vote at age 40 by 0.9 percent.”

Is this a joke? What is the margin of error for this study? Just one more liberal trying to understand why some people still use their brain when voting.

Nancy continues:

It’s not fair to claim that all Democrats aren’t patriotic, of course, but the study also suggests that “there is political congruence between patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and Republican beliefs, as well as Fourth of July transmitting a non-partisan civic duty to vote.”

I can already see the day: local municipalities can’t host an Independence Day1 event because—as we’ve just learned—Independence Day is really a propaganda tool of the Republican Party.

  1. The holiday is called Independence Day. Do we refer to any other holidays or celebrations almost exclusively by the date they are observed? It’s a celebration of our independence, damn it.
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