Poll: 71% Shun GOP Handling of Debt Crisis

Tucker Reals at CBS News:

Americans are unimpressed with their political leaders’ handling of the debt ceiling crisis, with a new CBS News poll showing a majority disapprove of all the involved parties’ conduct, but Republicans in Congress fare the worst, with just 21 percent backing their resistance to raising taxes.

The hilarity of this poll almost overshadows the intellectual dishonesty. Take a look at the respondent distribution:1 24% Republican, 35% Democrat 41% Independent. So right off the starting line CBS gives an 11% advantage to Democrats. Additionally, there is nowhere near 41% registered Independents in the country, so how can one take this poll and report it like it’s the viewpoint of the entire country?

If they were being honest, the headline would read “Poll: 71% of non-representative sample picked by CBS Shun GOP Handling of Debt Crisis”.

  1. Respondent distribution is given at the very bottom of the linked PDF of the poll.
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