WARNING: The above linked video contains extreme content, graphic language, and lots of swearing.1

Here’s a video put out by the homosexual movement in support of same-sex marriage. This entire video takes advantage of some dumb unjustified stereotypes and crosses a whole lot of lines, but the two young boys kissing at the end takes it to a new level.

Speaking of same-sex marriage. I have a great solution that should make everyone happy. It seems the problem we have here is that marriage is something that’s deeply religious for many people, yet it’s also recognized (actually regulated) by the state. This disagreement was bound to happen. Why don’t we take the state out of the equation completely? Why should I have to ask the government for permission to be married?

If we do that, I’m able to get married by my pastor, in a way that’s acceptable to me. Likewise my Pastor can marry only those he wants to. If someone wants to marry same-sex couples, they can do that in accordance with their beliefs. That way I don’t have to approve of it, and they have the freedom to live whatever lifestyle they choose.

Both conservatives and liberals should be all over this idea. Conservatives love getting the government out of their lives, and liberals think current marriage laws are unfair.

UPDATE: I’ve gotten a little bit of backlash on this, mostly from people who misunderstand my proposal. So let me clarify: what I am talking about is the state not recognizing marriage in any sense. No tax breaks (or tax burdens), no recognition of marriage. It’s a religious institution and as such is none of the government’s business.

  1. Thanks to Basecharge reader, Jay, for making me aware of this video.
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