Less Than Half Support Second Term  

MJ Lee at Politico:

A majority [of] Americans believe President Obama doesn’t deserve to win reelection in 2012, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.

Uh oh.

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A Disarmed Society is a Violent Society  

Fantastic observation by Lawrence Parson at Battle Swarm Blog:

It’s hard to imagine riots of these [sic] size going on for days on end in the American South or Midwest simply because so many armed, law-abiding citizens would stand ready to defend their lives, liberty and property. Once you’ve shot a few rioters dead, it does rather tend to put a damper on the festive mood of the others. An armed shop owner in Texas or Ohio wouldn’t have to stand idly by while his life work burned, waiting vainly for police that never come.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “An armed society is a polite society”, but you don’t often hear its implied entailment which Europe is proving to be true as well: a disarmed society is a violent society.

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Obama Gets a Blank Check for Endless War  

Great article by Ira Stoll at Reason.com:

Record numbers of U.S. troops are dying under Obama, but the anti-war movement is nowhere to be found.

Already, hundreds more American troops have been killed in Afghanistan during the less than three years of the Obama administration than during the eight years of the George W. Bush administration.

Regardless of your stance on our presence in the middle-east, it’s true. The facts are there. At the current pace, Obama will have presided over more U.S. soldier casualties than Bush did in his first term, which—just in case you forgot—included the 9/11 attacks on Manhattan and the height of the Iraq war.

Where are all the anti-war protesters?

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How Bernanke’s Fed Triggered the Great Recession  

Richard M. Salsman at Forbes:

Notably, the U.S. yield curve was inverted prior to all seven U.S. recessions in the past half-century and no recession occurred in that time without a prior inversion. That’s a perfect forecasting record. The Fed also inverted the yield curve prior to the 1929 stock-price crash and Great Depression in the 1930s.

Fantastic article that explains in simple terms the monetary policy that led to the 2008 recession. I had no idea how accurate the direction and shape of the yield curve is in predicting an economic recession. Given the empirical evidence, it’s a disgusting fact that the Fed shapes the yield curve at will.

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Gore: Climate Skeptics Peddling B.S.  

Ben Geman at The Hill. Quoting Al Gore:

…So what do they do? They pay pseudo–scientists, to pretend to be scientists, to put out the message: “This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man–made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.” Bulls––t! “It may be sun spots.” Bulls––t! “It’s not getting warmer.” Bulls––t!

Yeah, Gore! People who are supplying an ever–growing pile of evidence that man–made global warming is a complete crock are full of B.S.! Let’s call them names instead of refuting their arguments and addressing the evidence.

I always enjoy a nice spoonful of scholarly cunning from the guy who invented the internet. He’s so elegant.

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