House GOP Revolts Against Boehner Plan  

Stephen Dinan and Sean Lengell at The Washington Times:

Mr. Boehner’s bill would reduce future discretionary spending by $1.2 trillion, grant an immediate debt increase of $1 trillion, and set up a committee to work on trillions of dollars in future deficit reduction either through more spending cuts or tax increases, which would then earn another future debt increase.

I’ve been pretty happy with Boehner up to this point. Now I am disgusted. The way Boehner is pitching this plan is intellectually dishonest. There are not $1.2 trillion of discretionary spending in our budget to cut, which means this plan cuts spending over a period of many years (I believe I heard ten years somewhere, the exact number is irrelevant). The problem with this is that the debt increase happens immediately. Further yet, Congress can not hold a future Congress to a budget. You can’t force a future Congress to stick to these spending cuts.

On top of all this. It doesn’t fix anything. Our problem is not discretionary spending. It’s like your family makes $50,000 a year and has a $1 million mortgage, three Ferraris, and borrows on credit to give to charity. Then to get spending under control you stop eating out once a week. It just doesn’t cut it.

Props to the GOP members who are sticking to their guns on this. We have a rare opportunity here to effect change. Let’s not waste it.

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On Comments

Whether you’ve been reading Basecharge since its launch three weeks ago, or this is your first time visiting, you’ve probably noticed there is one glaring difference between this site and most blogs (particularly political blogs). There are no comments. Everyone loves hearing from their readers—myself included—but not including comments on this blog was a very intentional design decision. I’ve had some readers ask me “where do I comment?”, so I thought I would explain.

Politics are both divisive and engaging. I’ve read many political blogs in my day, and after reading a great post that I agree with (or disagree with), I’m always interested in what other people think. So I scroll down and read the comments. Unfortunately, what I almost always find are one or two reasonable comments and about 50 people competing in some strange oxymoronic anonymous popularity contest. Rarely is a piece of soundly-reasoned well thought out disagreement or praise found in a comment thread on a political blog.

So, I’ve done away with comments. This is my blog and my (albeit small right now) soapbox. If you disagree with me, by all means write something on your own website. Feel free to send me a link to it and if I feel it’s worthy I’ll gladly respond in kind. I love professional, open & reasoned dialog. What I don’t love is a giant distraction from my hard work at the bottom of each piece that I write.

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The Truth About the West Bank  

A great overview of the historical facts surrounding the west bank. Well worth the six minute watch.

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122 Guns From “Fast & Furious” at Mexican Crime Scenes  

Jeremy Pelofsky at Reuters:

At least 122 firearms from a botched U.S. undercover operation have been found at crime scenes in Mexico or intercepted en route to drug cartels there, according to a Republican congressional report being issued on Tuesday.

I’m so thankful that the BATFE is hard at work keeping us safe from the evil of firearms. Or is it selling guns to Mexican drug lords in an attempt to frame the second amendment as justification for a voracious power grab? I can’t quite tell.

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Whitehouse: Not Raising Debt Ceiling Could Start Depression  

Real Clear Politics:

WH Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer: “We are seven days away from an unprecedented financial event in this country’s history. One that could potentially put us towards a depression because the House Republicans, led by Speaker Boehner, are unwilling to compromise one inch.”

If only those damn Republicans would stop using the debt crisis to advance their extremist agenda.

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