Obama Admin Intimidating Witnesses in ATF Gun Probe  

Stephen Dinan and Chuck Neubauer:

The Obama administration sought to intimidate witnesses into not testifying to Congress on Tuesday about whether ATF knowingly allowed weapons, including assault rifles, to be “walked” into Mexico, the chairman of a House committee investigating the program said in an interview Monday.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, said at least two scheduled witnesses expected to be asked about a controversial weapons investigation known as “Fast and Furious”received warning letters from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to limit their testimony.

That’s odd. Obama was elected president, yet he’s acting like a dictator.

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Debt Crisis ‘Manufactured by House Republicans’  

Nicholas Ballasy at CNS News:

“The current, so-called ‘debt crisis’ has been completely manufactured by House Republicans attempting to advance an extremist agenda. This should be a simple vote to allow the US Treasury to fund all of the programs and obligations of the entire federal government that are already in the law,” said Rep. Lee in a statement handed out to reporters before a Democratic press conference on jobs at the Capitol.

Patently false. Your own president is the one using fear to advance his agenda. Let me lay the facts down, Lee. We spend more than we collect. The Republicans want to stop that. Is that an extremist agenda?

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Norwegian Police Officers Rarely Carry Guns  

Michael Schwirtz at The New York Times:

Whether Officer Berntsen tried to stop the gunman is still being debated. But facing a man carrying multiple guns and ample ammunition, there was little he could do. Like most other police officers here, he had no weapon.

The naïvety of this policy is saddening.

“Criminals are now carrying weapons, so some people now think that police officers should have weapons as well,” said Gry Jorunn Holmen, a spokeswoman for the Norwegian police union. Though she said it was too early to make any assessments, Ms. Holmen said the union had formed a commission to explore the issue. For the police, she said, “it’s getting tougher.”

It’s amazing how a political viewpoint can cloud common sense in such a destructive way. Does Norway really not trust their finest to carry a weapon? Are their law enforcement officers so poorly behaved that they can’t be trusted with a firearm?

Pro tip, Norway: criminals have always carried weapons, and they always will. Arm your police officers (and your citizens) and you will all be safer for it.

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When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie  

Yaron Brook and Don Watkins at The Objectivist:

Wealth is created by, and morally belongs to the individual creator. As Rand observes, since “man has to sustain his life by his own effort, the man who has no right to the product of his effort has no means to sustain his life. The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a slave.”

One of the best pieces I’ve ever read on how wealth creation really works.

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A Sobering Example: Police Can Not Stop Crime

Peter Hutchison & Nick Meo at The Telegraph:

Transport problems, including a lack of helicopters and a boat that sank, meant it took an hour to apprehend Anders Breivik after he began his attack, police admitted.

Sissel Hammer, chief of police of Nordre Buskerud police district, said: “I completely understand that for those caught in the line of fire as well as for their relatives the response time felt long.

This is a sad and sobering example of a simple fact that is dangerously ignored by many today: the police can not effectively stop crime. They can come after the fact and investigate, catch criminals, and help bring justice to victims and their families. I applaud them for that and am very grateful. I don’t think it’s fair to criticize them here. The police reacted the best way they could. They just don’t have the ability to stop or prevent crime.

Norway has very strict gun control laws, and it’s very unfortunate that every single person at that camp was a helpless victim to this crazed radical. If even one person there was carrying a concealed weapon, they could have put a bullet in his brain and saved literally dozens of lives. Instead nearly 100 people died completely helpless and incapable of defending themselves.

Before you think that Norway just needs some additional gun control laws, consider this: Anders Breivik planned this attack for 9 years. No amount of gun control legislation can prevent someone with that much patience, determination, and deliberate strategizing from obtaining the tools they seek. The only reasonable remedy to that kind of situation is a responsible armed citizen eliminating the threat as soon as it erupts.

My heart and prayers go out to the families and friends of everyone killed by Brievik. If you have a moment, I encourage you stop and say a prayer for them as well. May justice be apportioned to Brievik by the government of Norway representing the victims he murdered in cold blood.

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