What is An Effective Approach to Poverty?  

A very elegant statement of affairs by The Foundry’s Collette Caprara:

Yet protecting the status quo and propping up programs that have failed to reduce poverty should not be equated with helping the poor. A true measure of our nation’s compassion is not the number of people who are sustained in a state of dependency but the number who are empowered to achieve self-sufficiency.

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FDR’s Treasury Secretary: Spending Does Not Work  

David Weinberger at The Foundry:

Heritage economist Bill Beach adds that then-Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau, in 1939, after seven years of New Deal spending, noted, “We have tried spending money. We have spent more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.”

Straight from the horse’s mouth.

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‘Free Speech’ Could Cost You  

Tom Minnery at Citizen Link:

In each case, the smoking-gun evidence for the perceived bigotry is not what they’ve said about homosexuality, but rather their belief in traditional marriage. Speech is not only being silenced, but thoughts and beliefs, too — a trend we warned of years ago.

A great complement to my recent piece On Homosexuality.

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Geithner: House GOP ‘Praying for Default’  

Tim Devaney at The Washington Times:

The Treasury Department on Sunday accused House Republicans of “praying for default,” because they seem unwilling to raise the debt ceiling.

This is unreal. I know I don’t have to point out to my readers how incredibly intellectually dishonest this statement is. There is absolutely no way for us to default on the debt. It’s literally not possible, unless congress takes intentional action to cause us to default. Stop the fear-mongering, Geithner.

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Is Obama a Pathological Liar?  

Joseph Curl at The Washington Times:

In the weird world that is Washington, men and women say things daily, hourly, even minutely, that they know deep down are simply not true. Inside the Beltway, we all call those utterances “rhetoric.”

But across the rest of the country, plain ol’ folk call ‘em lies. Bald-faced (even bold-faced) lies. Those folks have a tried-and-true way of determining a lie: If you know what you’re saying is patently false, then it’s a lie. Simple.

And lately, the president has been lying so much that his pants could burst into flames at any moment.

Curl, you’re not the only one who’s pondered that same question.

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