Conrad: Short-Term Extension is Best Answer  

AP via The Washington Times:

The chairman of the Senate Budget Committee said Wednesday it’s impossible to enact spending cuts, a tax code overhaul and changes in benefit programs in the less than two weeks left before an Aug. 2 government default deadline.

So, because our representatives didn’t address this soon enough, we should just increase in debt? The debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since 1962. It begs the question, what’s the point of a limit on debt if keeps going up? Yes, we get it. It’s going to hurt. People are going to be pissed, especially with Washington—and they should be. Unfortunately, we can’t afford it any more spending.

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On Homosexuality & Tolerance

I’ve been thinking a lot about homosexuality. I think there’s a lot of terrible stereotypes out there, and it seems the people with the most hate in their heart get heard the loudest (and receive the most media coverage).

So, I’d like to explain my own viewpoint on homosexuality, and what I think is the viewpoint of millions of Christians.

Let me start out by saying this: I don’t hate homosexuals. I don’t think they are inferior members of society, and I don’t think they should be treated unfairly or any differently then I would like to be treated. That’s what I don’t think about homosexuals. What I do think about homosexuals is that we are all called to love them, and that homosexuality is wrong.

Before you start judging me, let me explain what that means. When I say homosexuality is wrong, I say that because I believe in the God of the Bible, and those are the teachings of the Bible. You might be surprised that the Son of God (that’s Jesus, for anyone not familiar) actually spent quite a bit of time with sinners (to be clear, we all fall into that category). What He did was lovingly interact with these people and invite them into a life of following Him. He didn’t beat around the bush. He didn’t tell them their sin was alright. No, He invited them to a better life through Him.

There’s another point here that’s really, really important. Jesus didn’t try to force anyone into a different lifestyle. He invited them. It was a choice. Free will is a major theme of the Bible, and I think that’s the Biblical approach to homosexuality. I think that’s how millions of Christians view homosexuality, too.

I don’t want to make homosexuality illegal. I don’t think it’s a mental condition. I think it’s a sin. I’m not even saying same-sex attraction is a choice. I think that’s a silly argument. That’s akin to saying pedophiliac attraction is a choice. No one chooses to be attracted to little boys or girls. But it happens, and acting on those attractions is a sin. Luckily society hasn’t accepted pedophilia yet so I can still use that example to make a point.1

Now, an observation on this viewpoint: I believe homosexuality is wrong. I don’t want to force anyone into a particular lifestyle, but I will communicate my viewpoints in a loving way and invite people into a satisfying life of following Christ. Yet, by the progressive culture, I am being told to approve of homosexuality, and I’m being told that holding any other viewpoint is hateful and intolerant. Some politicians have proposed laws that essentially force that viewpoint on me (thankfully that pesky first amendment has kept them in check so far). No one is offering me an invitation to accept their viewpoint. No, my worldview is simply unacceptable.

If you want to share your worldview with me and invite me into it, that’s wonderful. I love hearing and considering diverse viewpoints. Just don’t tell me mine is intolerant.

  1. Just to be clear, there’s a huge distinction between homosexuality and pedophilia in that a homosexual relationship involves two people exercising mutual free will. Pedophilia involves one person exercising free will and the other person becoming a victim.
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FCK H8  

WARNING: The above linked video contains extreme content, graphic language, and lots of swearing.1

Here’s a video put out by the homosexual movement in support of same-sex marriage. This entire video takes advantage of some dumb unjustified stereotypes and crosses a whole lot of lines, but the two young boys kissing at the end takes it to a new level.

Speaking of same-sex marriage. I have a great solution that should make everyone happy. It seems the problem we have here is that marriage is something that’s deeply religious for many people, yet it’s also recognized (actually regulated) by the state. This disagreement was bound to happen. Why don’t we take the state out of the equation completely? Why should I have to ask the government for permission to be married?

If we do that, I’m able to get married by my pastor, in a way that’s acceptable to me. Likewise my Pastor can marry only those he wants to. If someone wants to marry same-sex couples, they can do that in accordance with their beliefs. That way I don’t have to approve of it, and they have the freedom to live whatever lifestyle they choose.

Both conservatives and liberals should be all over this idea. Conservatives love getting the government out of their lives, and liberals think current marriage laws are unfair.

UPDATE: I’ve gotten a little bit of backlash on this, mostly from people who misunderstand my proposal. So let me clarify: what I am talking about is the state not recognizing marriage in any sense. No tax breaks (or tax burdens), no recognition of marriage. It’s a religious institution and as such is none of the government’s business.

  1. Thanks to Basecharge reader, Jay, for making me aware of this video.
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The Gang of Six Disaster  

James C. Capretta at National Review Online:

In a nutshell, the Gang of Six plan would have three parts. Let’s look at each part in turn.

First, there’s a relatively small bill to supposedly save $500 billion immediately with a combination of discretionary spending caps through 2015

500 Billion is literally a joke. You should laugh at this. We’re in debt $14.5 trillion. Our annual deficit right now is about $1.5 trillion. So cutting 500 Billion over the next four years will knock about 8% off the deficit each year.

The second part of the Gang of Six package is far worse. It’s essentially a call for a budget “reconciliation” bill, with no specifics yet available. Senate committees with jurisdiction over taxes and entitlements would be tasked with achieving targeted amounts of savings or tax increases. For instance, the Finance Committee would be charged with reporting out a tax-reform plan that increases taxes by about $2.3 trillion over a decade.

Then the Senate would move on to the third part of the Gang of Six proposal: a Social Security reform package that closes the long-term financing gap. Again, with Democrats in control of the Senate and the writing of legislation, this almost certainly would mean another large tax increase.

There’s another glaring problem with this dumb proposal from the Gang of Six.1 It assumes the U.S. economy is a bottomless pit of tax revenue. What’s to say we even have the ability to raise revenue to the government? Taxation has one guaranteed effect: it depresses economic activity. No matter where you look, there is a causal effect between raising taxes, and depressing the activity being taxed.

At some point, an incremental increase in taxes results in a decrease in revenue. This is because the additional tax money collected on each occurence of the taxable activity is offset by a lower number of taxable activities. That is, less activity occurs because it is less worth it for the individuals engaging in that activity. Once you reach this point, each incremental increase in tax rates results in a decrease in total tax revenue.2

Let’s look at an example. Pretend you have a 40 hr/week office job. You make $40,000/yr and you’re up for a promotion, which would raise your salary to $60,000/yr, but your schedule would extend to 55 hours a week. If that bumps you up to the next tax bracket, you’re going to weigh your options. Of the $20,000 increase, if you pay $5,000 in additional income tax, you may decide it’s worth the extra responsibility. If you pay $12,000 in additional taxes, that extra responsibility for only $8,000 more take-home looks a lot less attractive.

In this way, raising tax rates depresses economic activity. People who are normally motivated to excel to achieve a reward, are naturally less motivated by that reward if they have to give more of it to the government. The effect is that productive individuals are motivated more by their need to survive than their desire to excel, resulting in lower output for the individual.

If this plan passes (which, fortunately is pretty unlikely). I guarantee we will be in this same situation next year or the year after and the supposed experts would sit around scratching their heads trying to figure out why we still aren’t pulling in enough revenue. I’ll say it again: we don’t have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.

  1. Am I the only one that thinks this self-appropriated name is incredibly hubris?
  2. Check out the Laffer Curve for more details about this.
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Cut, Cap, & Balance  

Exactly what this country needs. Sign it!

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