EU: Water Does Not Hydrate  

Victoria Ward and Nick Collins at The Telegraph:

Brussels bureaucrats were ridiculed yesterday after banning drink manufacturers from claiming that water can prevent dehydration. EU officials concluded that, following a three-year investigation, there was no evidence to prove the previously undisputed fact.

I’m starting to think the EU is actually a portal into another planet—perhaps that planet from Signs, where the aliens melt upon contact with water. It gets even better:

“…they make this judgment law and make it clear that if anybody dares sell water claiming that it is effective against dehydration they could get into serious legal bother.

Ah, Brussels. Leading the way in governments that hate their constituents and apparently their own economy. Thank goodness you can’t make a buck in Europe trying to claim that water actually hydrates.

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Bullet Hits White House  

Jonathon M. Seidl at The Blaze:

The Secret Service says a bullet hit an exterior window of the White House and was stopped by ballistic glass.

An additional round of ammunition was also found on the exterior of the White House. The bullets were found Tuesday.

The discovery follows reports of gunfire near the White House on Friday. Witnesses heard shots and saw two speeding vehicles in the area. An AK-47 rifle was also recovered.

The Secret Service says it has not conclusively connected Friday’s incident with the bullets found on the White House grounds. U.S. Park Police have an arrest warrant out for Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, who is believed to be connected to the earlier incident.

Those tea-partiers sure are getting violent.

Authorities suspect Ortega has been in the area for weeks, coming back and forth to the Washington Mall.  Before the shooting, he was detained by local police at an abandoned house. U.S. Park police say Ortega may have spent time blending in with Occupy D.C. protesters.

Err, ahem, well, this is all just speculation.

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“Here in Asia”  

President Obama speaking in Hawaii:

Here in Asia…

Wow, where have I been? Did we give Hawaii away to Asia? I guess we’re down to 56 states now.

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Obama Blames ________  

Breitbart TV quoting President Obama:

“We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades. We’ve kind of taken for granted — ‘Well, people would want to come here’ — and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.”

First it was bad luck, then it was Democracy itself. Now, apparently it’s all our fault. I’m glad to know the government isn’t to blame. It’s just us lazy Americans.

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Christmas Tree Tax  

David S. Addington at The Foundry:

President Obama’s Agriculture Department today announced that it will impose a new 15-cent charge on all fresh Christmas trees—the Christmas Tree Tax—to support a new Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees.

Anti-Christian political correctness from the left has been slowly shifting culture to hostility towards anything to do with Christians. In fact, it’s been so successful that it’s often culturally unacceptable to wish someone a “merry Christmas” on the grounds that you might offend them. Not that it stops me from well-wishing anyone, but it’s unfortunate that the thought I might offend someone even enters my mind.1

For any amateur Liberals out there, allow me to bring you up to speed on the time-tested formula:

  • Step 1: Cause a problem.
  • Step 2: Propose a solution that you know won’t work.
  • Step 3: Freely employ whatever power-gobbling measures you’d like to fix said problem now, because—after all—the light-weight stuff didn’t work.

It worked with the housing bubble. It worked with the war on poverty. It worked with the education system. It’s currently working with the financial markets. I guess no part of your life is too small for the government to “help.” Now that the Liberal agenda has apparently damaged the Christmas tree market, what better way to reinvigorate it than to tax it?

Yeah, that should do it.

UPDATE: Just had a thought. What would the reaction be from the media-at-large if a Republican president proposed a tax on Muslim prayer rugs in the name of “strengthening the prayer rug industry’s position in the marketplace.”? My guess: It would be labeled a “Muslim tax” and the Republican would be tarred and feathered.

  1. I sometimes say “happy Holidays. This is still politically correct. I suppose because it doesn’t mention any holiday in particular. Holiday actually means holy day, so if you think that’s somehow not religious, the joke’s on you.
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