No. 2 Senate Dem: ‘I Don’t Disagree With Paul Ryan…”  

Eric Scheiner at CNS News:

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D.-Ill.), who is the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate after Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.), praised Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) willingness to work on entitlement reform, saying on the Senate floor Wednesday, “I don’t disagree with Paul Ryan saying we have got to look honestly at Medicare.”

You don’t see this often—from Dick Durbin no less.

“If we don’t touch Medicare, in about 10 or 12 years it goes broke and we can’t let that happen. So we have to look at Medicare in a sensible way to reduce the costs of Medicare,” Durbin said.

Ok, I’ll bite.

Durbin’s praise of Rep. Ryan’s candor in dealing with the need to reform Medicare came mixed in with some criticism. “He has studied this issue and knows it well,” said Durbin. “We come to different conclusions but he did tackle the entitlements. I think he went too far on Medicare. Doubling the expenses for people on Medicare is a non-starter.”

Here it is. So Durbin wants to cut Medicare costs, but doesn’t want Medicare recipients to pay more. Well, unfortunately that’s the position we’re in. Now you can think we’re not in that position, but the fact is, either we print more money to cover our debt, or cut our spending (entitlement programs make up the largest portion of our budget). Either way, it’s going to cost the american citizen.

The difference between the two approaches is that you can cut entitlement programs in a planned and organized fashion without causing panic. We can cut entitlement programs going forward, so that future generations are aware of the reduced benefits from the time they are young and can plan it into their life. Printing money eventually results in inflation and is essentially a tax on everyone. Ironically Liberals love printing money, yet it affects the poor and middle class the most, because they can least afford it.

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Basecharge Has Arrived!

Well, it’s the first Wednesday in July (just barely) and basecharge is up and running. If you notice anything strange, there’s a good chance it’s just my sub-par coding skills showing their teeth. Just drop me a note at and let me know what’s up.

I’ve actually been writing little bits and pieces on basecharge for almost two weeks now, despite it not being a live site. I’ve imported those posts for your enjoyment.

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Belly Bombs  

Steve Watson at Prison Planet:

“The Department of Homeland Security has identified a potential threat from terrorists who may be considering surgically implanting explosives or explosive components in humans to conduct terrorist attacks,” an advisory to foreign counterparts notes, according to an unnamed U.S. security official.

Officials claim that full body scanners currently being used in airports would not penetrate deep enough to detect such devices.

How it’s not blatantly obvious to the TSA that their approach to keeping our airways safe is fundamentally flawed is beyond me (or do they know it and just like flexing their muscles on american citizens?). The TSA is not looking for terrorists, they’re looking for contraband. You’ll ALWAYS be able to bypass security measures that look for contraband. The only successful approach is to look for terrorists using behavior profiling. This is what Israel does with great success. If you don’t think that Israel’s airports are the target of repeated terrorism attempts, you should probably just get back under your rock— and stay there.

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If Anthony’s Baby Was Killed In The Womb, Media Wouldn’t Care  

Real Clear Politics, quoting Rush Limbaugh:

“If the child had died, what, two years earlier in the womb this woman would be a star. She’d be a hero. And folks, I don’t think that is a cliche to say. And I don’t think it is as cheap attempt at humor. I think that while it may be uncomfortable to hear—one of the reasons it is uncomfortable to hear is that there is an element of truth in it”.

As usual, a spot-on analysis by Limbaugh.

“You people in the media, if you really, really think she is guilty and you want to feel better about this just tell yourselves that she waited a couple of years to get an abortion and then you’ll feel better. Abortion is brutal, [it’s] never characterized that way and the reason it is brutal is because there is an element of truth of it. I just wanted to put it out there. Pure and simple, nothing more.”

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Obama Campaign Rejects Claims of Cuomo 2012 Ticket  

Fox News:

Vice President Joe Biden is on the 2012 re-election ticket, President Obama’s aides said Tuesday after a report suggested that the campaign may be willing to replace him with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.


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